Free Printable

Bible Reading Checklist

Are you a busy mom looking for an easy way to read through the Bible in a year? Then this free printable Bible reading checklist is just what you need! This checklist can help you stay on track and ensure that you’re getting the most out of your time with God.

Includes both Old and New Testaments!

This fantastic resource has been specially designed for moms looking for an easier way to make sure they are consistently spending time in God’s Word. With this checklist, you can easily keep track of your progress and make sure that you are following through on your commitment to read through the Bible in one year. With sections divided into individual books of the Bible, it’s easy to know exactly how much of each book you’ve read and how much more is left.

In addition to helping busy moms make sure they stay on top of their Bible reading goals, this printable checklist is also great for families. Use it together with your family members and set reading goals as a group! You could even use it as part of your homeschool curriculum or church Sunday School lesson plans.

Plus, reading through the Bible provides so many spiritual benefits as well! When we spend time in God’s Word, our minds are renewed with knowledge from Scripture that can help us grow closer to Him over time. It helps us gain wisdom, understand His will for our lives and become better followers of Jesus Christ.

Download this Bible Reading Checklist today!

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